My goal is to create a thriving, inclusive, and responsive local government that meets the needs of all its residents.


  • Economic Development

    Develop a comprehensive economic development strategy prioritizing local and small business as well as workforce development. Revitalize Downtown Grand Prairie by working with property owners to eliminate the empty buildings and repurpose them as local shops designed to improve residents lives. Bring healthier grocers and eliminate any food deserts within city limits.

  • Community Development

    Develop a partnership with law enforcement and organizations to enhance response and support for domestic violence cases. Increase funding for domestic violence prevention programs, counseling services, and legal aid to survivors. Enhance community programs already active in the city. Work with local schools and parental organizations to provide educational tools regarding the dangers of social media with our youth.

  • Transparent Communication

    Provide transparent communication with residents concerning city contracts and city events. Implement monthly community meeting separate from town halls at local businesses to hear resident concerns.